Published Thursday, May 31, 2007 by Nidhi Narayan.
Books I have read in 5mths.
• The Husband
by Dean Koontz
• Angels and Demons
by Dan Brown (2nd time)
• Deception Point
by Dan Brown (2nd time)
• The Innocent Man
by John Grisham
• Blink
by Malcolm Gladwell
• The Monk who sold his Ferrari
by Robin Sharma
• How to Improve your Negotiation Skills
by Hawver
• You can Win
by Shiv Khera
• Collected short stories
of O’Henry
• The Inscrutable Indian……..have forgotten the authors name as had borrowed it from bhai
Well friends don’t take this as an insult or challenge………just remember I’ve had a lot of time lately…….
Wonder how many people make mid-year resolutions…………suppose u haven’t been able to fulfill your new-year resolutions, whatever may be the reason.
Since I am one of those who hasn’t been able to fulfill her new-year resolutions, so I am making new ones for myself all over again and I promise to fulfill them and this time the only thing that can stop me is…………….well something worse than what happened last time.
Resolution no.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10…………just cant make myself write it down here….it might be bad omen, but I’ve got it in my head real good.
2007……..a year I dreamt which would bring the change I desired, the winds of change which would wipe away my p’s, g’s, s’s……..but unfortunately none of that has happened so far.
Nearly half the year has gone past and as of now my life seems to have stuck in a whirlwind from which I find it hard to come out.
I remember I had once read that u could simply fall and die………….die , well nearly did and that too because of a fall, and what has followed is a series of scans, mris’, neurosurgeons, homeopathic, ayurvedic, naturopathy, yoga……………..u name it and I’ve done it.
Have been out of office for nearly 5mths, though not out of a job as my organization so for has been understanding, but how long that’s gonna continue is pretty difficult to say.
Though things seem to have bettered with me getting to use the computer again with an hours of tv………though still not allowed to do a few other things, very ordinary otherwise but as of now have taken extraordinary proportions.
I do hope that things will change soon………SOON.