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::::::::: Its My LifE :::::::::

this blog is about what i think and feel...the absurdities and the not so common-sense...it all comes directly from the heart

the lesson......

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well thinks have not really been rosy for me during the past week, one, its my exams and next, a lot of other stuff happened..........had decided not to write about it, but owe this to my other blog friends who have a right to know and some of whom have also demanded for the story.

all the regular visitors to my blog know that i am looking for a new place to stay, since my mba is getting over and since am placed with ibcs ltd. in kolkata so will have to find a place to shift.

so did a lot of research, contacted a lot of people, saw a lot of houses both on rent and pg........meaning spent a lot of time and money and that too during exam time, i would spend the whole hot and humid afternoon going to different places, tagging my friends along with me, and after getting totally tired sit down to study at night.........beleive me, it was really tough for me.......got a heat stroke twice during that period.

finally after a lot of searching found the perfect pg accommodation, in a posh area, easily accessible by any means of transport, good people, everything........
when this girl, bnm, came along........she is like the outcast of our college, no one likes her and no one wants her, she begged me that i let her stay with me cause she had no where to go, i pittied on her and on humanitarian grounds, welcomed her with open arms...........and beleive thats the most foolish thing i have ever done.

well the next day signed the contract and came back, had just sat down to study since had a very imp. finance paper the next day, when she comes and gives me the news that she will not stay with me as her lgs have seen the place and dont find it safe, i demanded a valid reason on which she said that 15yrs. ago a girl was raped and murdered some 20 minutes walk from that place...........insane, yeah thats what i thought she and her local guardian were.........

anyways had no other option, i told her that she would have to repay me for any loss i will have to incur because of her indecisiveness.........at this her mom, dad, lg all started giving me a call, telling me all that bull-shit that i was like their daughter and they are thinking in my best interest............beleive me i just wanted to shout out rudly at them, but my values did not allow me to do so...........i finally gave the owner a call and after a long talk and convincing he agreed to return the complete money......so was a little happy and dissappointed, that though i lost a home at least did not loose my money......i informed her about it too.......had missed my dinner, could not study anything, and had a very disturbed sleep that night

anyways, after the exam got over at 5pm the next day, my dad gave me a call, i was so pissed off to know that her mom had callled my dad to tell him this whole incident, despite the fact that i had told this woman not to contact my parents, as whatever the thing was i would tell my parents on my own..........i was fuming with anger, anyways had to go to the pg place to get back the money, i took a friend along with me and refused to go with the girl with her lg in his car.......i just needed some time to get over my anger, so reached there by takinga bus.....

after reaching their, the owner just started shouting at me using abusive words, i was shocked......what the hell had happened now, the thing was that, the girl had called him up using my name and had abused him and challenged him that she could pull him to court regarding the issue and that he did not know who her dad/relatives were.......i wanted to slap the girl right there in front of everyone for being such a *****, but again my sanskar came in between............the owner banged the door on our faces and told us he would not return even a single cent....

now after this her sanki lg pulled me to the police station, beleive me this was my first visit to one, i was finding the whole situation so wierd and funny that by now all my anger vanished.......the police guy called up the owner who after putting his side of the story forward agreed to pay the deposit amount and pay the rest of the amount if he finds a new renter or else forget about the amount..........well forget........thats what i have done to 3000rs.

now for the readers this might be a small amount, but for me being a student and with all the harrasment and tension, its a really big amount.
and then later the ***** had the nerves to come to me and ask me to pay her for her share of money, by looking for a new partner..........insane, thats the only word which can best fit her.

whatever happened this is just a jist of it all, i cannot possibly in words put in all the tension, anger, frustration, annoyance, pain.........

and then it started all over again, the phone calls, the visits.........life is pretty tough.........

but now i have a suggestion for all, this lesson is given my friend to me:
"nevar trust anyone,
never expect anythinh from anyone"

7 Responses to “the lesson......”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous   

    finally u learn it...
    lets see how long you'll retain this lesson......

    If i'm not wrong this is u'r 3rd encounter with same kind (pjb)

    But i would likt to say all pjb are not same..

    but u should always keep u'r past leesons in your mind..

    it is known as congnitive learning
    learning through problem solving and mental activity....

  2. Blogger How do we know   

    Oh, and in this case, there is one more: A jerk is a jerk, and a fire is a fire. Just like u dont burn your hands to believe its really bad, you dont go within a mile of a jerk to know they are dangerous. Dont be the nice kid fighting for a underdog unless you know why the kid is an underdog.. ihave also learnt this the hard way!

  3. Blogger Santosh Jena   

    gr8 story.....gr8 lesson....n gr8 experience.....

    well, this is what called life, but seeing life is of two ways-optimistic n pessimistic way. Don't feel bad, what u hav done, what u hav seen, experienced, etc...

    see d good things u did...
    1. keeping ur values n sanskar, even when d situation was worst.
    2. Visited police station first time, grt exp.
    3. Got a nice experience n lesson to keep such kind of ppl.
    4. handled 2 things together- exam n ur external tension, management....
    5. Nice dinner d same day, biryani n others.....yummy...
    6. had good exam....
    7. does money matter thn all this...
    8. Got a nice PG accomodation, gr8 na......

    hamesha life ko positively dekho, see d world hoe nice it is.

    still, u say life is pretty tough.

  4. Blogger Known Stranger   

    nidhi - i am not going to say a word thinging that it will soothe you - i doubt it might not.

    You are just starting off to stand on your legs. there are many more incidents to happen when one stays single. I had been to that stage and before i could loose my nerves on this financial issues of staying together and adjusting the expenditure every month. With in a year i learnt - it is better to be on oneself and still be friends with every one with out sharing the finance yet allowing them to be guest at my flat.

    you will get along with world. But there are very pretty good friends and people whom you can trust. Whom to trust and not is a trial and error method.

    but your friend certainly need to be treated in her own way to feel the pain.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous   

    searching home is really a tough job.

    but for me its double tought to read big posts.and I guess for majority of internet users.

    wish you all the best mam!!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous   

    i dont want to comment on the trust thing but i think the key to happiness is - "dont expect anything from anyone"

    but in your case its the trust(which you make initially) which was violated.

    how the hell anybody would think to call somebody, pretending someone else; thats too when he/she is known to you!!!(knowing that you had already seatled the issue;one phone call distroyed it)

    I find only two explanation to this
    1.insane(as you think as i guess)
    2.hatrated with you(may be long time)

  7. Anonymous Anonymous   

    everyone learns a lesson at some time or other. . . we hardly learn when we are happy or eveything goes the way we want it to, it is the challnges that adds to our maturity and makes us a better and maturer person. Take every experience as a challlenge, after all everything happens because God wants it. we humnas are just puppets


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About Me

  • I'm Nidhi
  • From India
  • throughout i have realised that i usually have a different(lateral) opinion about things, this is i guess what makes me who I am....i love my family and my close group of friends and try to spend as much time with them as i can....i cant hold any grudges against anyone and the word anger comes last in my dictionary....i aspire to do something different in my life....though i have not yet figured it out too well...
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