!!!! Birthday Snaps !!!!
Published Wednesday, May 03, 2006 by
Nidhi Narayan | E-mail this post
the viva on 28th was relatively good considering the fact that the director was sitting with me and the teachers were also seriously asking their questions, the enviornment was relatively tense but i faired nicely.......just couldnt answer one question, that too of my favourite prof..have planned to apologize to him later on..............
then we went to our favourite place to hang out for my birthdy treat--Tandoori Darbar--the food as usual was amazing, and as usual we all had ordered more than we could eat, but this time we got the extra, untouched stuff packed and gave it to one of the beggars just outside the restaurant...........so all in all it was a nice evening, except for the kolkata heat with a tarka of humidity is really getting bad.

this is me..........b'day ka joosh hai

the cake..........yummyyy
the gang.......clockwise....Rajesh(guy in grey t-shirt), Poonam, Joydeep, Sanjeev, Santosh and Me.
masti ka hai samma.........Me, Santosh, Poonam, Joydeep........Rajesh was taking this snap, while Sanjeev had already left to study
1st snap sings "aaj main oopar asmaan niche"
2nd snap sings "aao sikhado tumeh cake ka funda"
3rd one sings "yahaan ke hum sikander"
4th one sings "thodasa roomani ho jaye"
so this is you..
Nice snaps. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
And that cake looks so delicious, I have gotta have a bite :-)
@roy- hi, yeah this is me
and thanks the song association is pretty cool.
@wriju- welcome to my blog.
i totally agree about the cake, we r planning to have one on the day the exam get over.......u know kind of departing gift.
@deepa- hi, welcome to my blog.
actually i share the same story as yours, i stay in kolkata while my cutie-pie is in jamshedpur......but one things for sure....pets are always the loveliest for their masters.........will try to put her photo sometime.
Birthday snaps are really cool esp. the cake. Yummy.......
well, waiting for another Bday party of joy and rajesh, will fun again.
Good Luckfor Exam.
@santosh- yeah man it was pure fun, waiting for another such gathering.......by the way wish all of us much needed good luck
1st time here.. :)
Belated B'day wishes Nidhi.. :)
@kiron- thanks and welcome to my blog