"Wandering Rare Coin"
Published Wednesday, January 09, 2008 by
Nidhi Narayan | E-mail this post

Professionally -i am stranded in a job, which i no longer like, the work pressure is too much, a lot of responsibilities (quite uncalled for), no promotion or raise, just incentives like peanuts, a lot of people to answer to, but not getting any answers for the questions i ask
Personally - my life is not going anywhere, its the same routine i am following day-in and day-out, i get up, do some exercise, freshen up, take the same road for work, drive in the rather dificult traffic, the same work for 12 hrs, go back home, have dinner and sleep
Great......Simply great.....Probably i am exaggerating a bit..........let me try being positive......
"I am working with my dream brand, am getting recognition for my work, salary is good enough to have a decent life-style, i have good colleagues, nice work place, no personal problems with anyone at office.........I am having great food at home, spending time with Puchku is real fun, watching cartoon with her, playing all those silly games-makes me feel so child-like, i have a big, comfortable room to myself, i drive my own vehicle, have the freedom to go anywhere and everywhere...."
So I think i am doing pretty well.....Its all up to me to, as to which side of the coin i want to see......and ofcourse i hope to stick to the latter one.
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when i first saw this post i thought u became numismatists... but later found the real funda of u'r or our life.. yepp it is all upon us how to take it... +Ve or -Ve
life is like that... but if we take things +Vely then lots of trouble fades away.....infact we start learning from our bad experiences..... if we take every single person.. that comes in our daily life as a enlighten teacher then we can learn lots of things.... like if someone act rudely wid us then it means we need some sole searching.... there is scope for improvement.. look this whole universe is very friendly place and it keep on teaching us to improve our life and if we are reluctant to learn things easily then it gives us painful tough lessons so better learn our lessons when we are given with easy lessons...
ooops lagta hai mein kuch jyada hi bol gaya.. never mind.. just enjoy and keep learning... and discover your true self......the perfect one.... coz thatz lies deep inside you..us...everybody.....
ok that was some gyan.....but u know u r amongst those from whom i like to take gyan.....and yes i am desperately trying to look at the brighter side of things